Sunday, July 29, 2012

A few things...

After signing up for this new adventure of mine, or bad idea as my mom probably thinks, I went and looked at other people's blogs, to get a feel for what is out there and what people post about.

I see all the women, stay at home mom's who have the white picket fence, and the perfect kiddletts and spouse.  I have a chain link fence, my daughter, whom when she is having an ADHD/ODD meltdown in public makes me look like the worst parent in the world.  The women who post how perfect their lives are (and lets face it, I bet half of them are full of shit or in denial).  You will not be getting that here, let me tell you.  The real nitty gritty.  I am not going to post when Little Bit takes a golden turd (yes, said ladies above, fellow bloggers do post about what Junior did that was so marvelous so Cousin Biff in Cleavland can be up to date on how charmed their lives are) but the good, the bad and THEEE UGLY of what things really are like.  No cutesy family portraits..(hell, I can't even get Silberner to agree to take family portraits) just what real life is like, well, for me anyhow.

Carry on, and enjoy.

Introductions please....

Thought I would take this moment to just introduce myself, and why I decided to start blogging.  My name is Amber.  35 years old, working mother to a wonderful little girl (aka Little Bit) who is 7 and has ADHD and ODD, and married to a guy, Silberner (his chosen name to bask his real identity, he is weird about this shit) The last year with trials and tribulations getting her diagnosed and on the right track.  I also want to post about my sometimes sarcastic life observations, my ranking on people who annoy, piss me off or are just out right morons.  Also, being in retail management for one of the nations big box retailers, there are some nuggets just waiting to be retold. 

I am also using this as somewhat self therapy to try to help me cope with what I have to deal with, family wise, career wise, marriage wise, and sometimes, to prove that really jokes DO write themselves...enjoy.